Tamalpa Runners - Track Meet Results:

May 23, 2006

1 Mile Run Time Age Age Graded AG Placing
Jason Jacobsen 4:57.0 32 75.6% 9
Erik Mathon 5:09.2 39 75.9% 8
Don Porteous 5:14.5 59 87.7% 1
Mark Richtman 5:15.8 51 81.4% 2
Mike Fanelli 5:16.0 50 80.7% 3
Roy Kissin 5:23.4 49 78.2% 5
Scott Clark 5:26.7 33 68.9% 14
Carlos Haen 5:38.6 30 66.3% 17
Malcolm Fearon 5:49.9 43 69.1% 13
Steve Stephens 5:56.2 62 79.7% 4
Brad Tardy 5:59.8 33 62.6% 20
Mike Holland 6:04.2 57 74.3% 11
Tricia Wallace 6:07.5 47 76.6% 7
Ally Mitchell 6:08.5 26 67.6% 15
Connaire Chateaubriant 6:10.0 55 71.9% 12
William Hughes 6:19.5 50 67.2% 16
Victoria Folks 6:22.0 31 65.2% 18
Bernie Hollander 6:37.7 70 77.9% 6
Carl Jacob 6:46.9 53 64.2% 19
Jessica Peisch 7:11.8 25 57.7% 22
Paula Glodowski 7:28.6 33 55.9% 23
Adele Ho 7:52.5 47 59.6% 21
Sam Hirayabashi 7:52.7 79 74.6% 10
2 Mile Run Time Age Age Graded AG Placing
Erik Mathon 11:10.2 39 75.2% 2
Mark Richtman 11:11.3 51 82.1% 1
Jason Jacobsen 11:15.8 32 71.9% 4
Nick Giuliani 11:16.6 17 72.8% 3
Scott Clark 12:29.7 33 62.4% 7
Victoria Folks 13:37.8 31 70.1% 5
Carl Jacob 14:38.7 53 63.8% 6
800 Meters Time Age Age Graded AG Placing
Bill Bushnell 2:10.0 41 83.9% 1
Max Slaughter 2:19.7 16 76.4% 4
Chriatian Oakes 2:25.4 47 78.4% 3
Hugh Van Ness 2:29.2 51 78.9% 2
Jason Jacobsen 2:38.9 32 64.6% 6
Scott Clark 2:45.8 33 62.3% 8
Carlos Haen 2:46.0 30 61.3% 10
Mike Holland 2:53.4 57 71.4% 5
William Hughes 3:00.8 50 64.6% 7
Ally Mitchell 3:01.1 26 62.3% 9
400 Meters Time Age Age Graded AG Placing
Gordon Wright 59.7 41 77.8% 2
Malcolm Fearon 59.9 43 78.6% 1
Jason Jacobsen 61.4 32 71.4% 4
Scott Clark 64.3 33 68.6% 7
Al McCarthy 71.2 53 71.1% 5
William Hughes 71.4 50 69.3% 6
Tricia Wallace 73.0 47 74.7% 3
Jessica Peisch 78.4 25 61.1% 12
Mike Holland 78.7 57 66.4% 9
Will Wright 81.0 11 61.8% 11
Cristina Mazanegos 81.9 12 66.2% 10
Paula Glodowski 92.2 33 53.1% 14
Adele Ho 98.4 47 55.4% 13
Sam Hirayabashi 98.6 79 67.7% 8
200 Meters Time Age Age Graded AG Placing
Jason Jacobsen 28.8 32 68.5% 4
Malcolm Fearon 29.1 43 73.0% 2
Scott Clark 32.1 33 61.6% 12
Tricia Wallace 32.2 47 75.7% 1
Brad Tardy 33.0 33 59.9% 13
Ally Mitchell 33.4 26 64.8% 7
Al McCarthy 33.5 53 68.0% 5
William Hughes 34.3 50 65.0% 6
Jessica Peisch 34.8 25 62.2% 11
Will Wright 34.9 11 64.8% 8
Carl Jacob 35.8 53 63.7% 10
Cristina Mazanegos 37.6 12 63.7% 9
Paula Glodowski 40.6 33 53.6% 15
Sam Hirayabashi 42.1 79 69.3% 3
Adele Ho 43.5 47 56.0% 14



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