Weekly Group Runs

Please Note:

These runs are open to all comers, you do NOT need to belong to Tamalpa Runners to
participate. Guest runners and out-of-towners are enthusiastically welcomed! However, if you
are continuously doing these runs, we ask you to consider joining the club and gain all the
benefits of membership


  • Saturday Morning Run at the Mountain Home Inn – Saturdays @ 9am
  • Tuesday Morning Tempo Runs (Rotating Locations)- Tuesdays @ 6:30am
  • Thursday Night Run (Rotating Seasonal Locations) – Thursdays @ 6pm

Saturday Morning Run at the Mountain Home Inn

Saturdays at 9:00 A.M., Year-round
This run began in 1975 and is the longest-standing group run known to the club. It is 100% trail
running, frequently hilly, and generally lasts 1 1/2 to 2 hours covering 5 to 10 miles. There are
plenty of options to run longer or shorter depending on your ability, time, and interest.
Suitability: This run covers some of the most beautiful terrain on Mt. Tam, ranging from the fire
lookout atop East Peak to the base in Muir Woods National Park. The variety of different routes
is unlimited. You should have a fair level of fitness for running hills, be somewhat experienced
on trails, and ideally you will own a pair of trail shoes. The group pace varies according to the
ability level(s) of attendees, but we always wait at trail intersections to be sure no one gets lost,
or loses the group. There are fast, medium, and slow runners present who know the trails so you
will not get left behind. Occasionally we are known to do a little “creative” (but interesting!)
route-finding, as well.
Saturday Morning regular Roy Rivers has created a very nice web site dedicated solely to the
Saturday morning Mountain Home Inn Run, complete with many beautiful photographs taken of
our friends "at play" on the mountain. To check out how we have fun, click here.
Directions: From Hwy 101 near Mill Valley, take the Hwy 1 (Shoreline) exit Follow it through
several curves to the stoplight at Shoreline and Almonte. Turn left and follow Shoreline for
approximately 2.5 miles, climbing the hill toward Muir Beach. Near the top of the hill take the
right fork, following signs to Muir Woods and Mount Tamalpais. You are on Panoramic
Highway now. Follow Panoramic for approximately 1 mile, passing straight through the
intersection that drops left to Muir Woods and right to Mill Valley. Continue on for another 2
miles until you see a large parking lot on the left with the Mountain Home Inn and Restaurant

directly across the street. Park in or near this lot. It is a major trail head for the south side of Mt.
Tam. If there are no slots available in the parking lot, just 40 yds. past the lot there is a drive on
the right that leads down to available parking on Gravity Car (dirt) Fire road. (Don’t park in the
Fire Station parking lot, or the private residence driveway to the right.) There is also a wide dirt
shoulder on Panoramic highway about 75 yards past the Mountain Home Inn parking lot that can
accommodate parking as well.
Contact: Dave Covey – (415) 388-7616 – ultradavec@yahoo.com

Tuesday Morning Tempo Runs

Tuesdays at 6:30 A.M.
2 Miles of warmup followed by 6-8 miles of workout – Call for location.
Location 1 – Marin YMCA – Park on road in front of YMCA
Location 2 – China Camp – Park at La Pasada/North San Pedro
Contact Kees: (415) 472-7917 or check keestraining.com

Thursday Night Fun Run

Thursdays at 6:00 P.M., Year-round
Started in 1995, the Thursday night run moves between two locations depending on the time of
year. In the past, the group has usually gone someplace local for dinner after the run. However,
during Covid times, we have been meeting on the lawn at Ross Commons for a BYO picnic
dinner post-run, in the spring and summer.
After the Daylight Savings time change in October, the run starts at Blackie's Pasture parking lot
in Tiburon and is generally 5-7 miles of pavement with options to shorten or extend it depending
on your interest and ability. The typical course includes climbing up Belvedere Island and
running around it in a keyhole loop through downtown Tiburon. The course is generally free of
cars (bike paths, and lightly traveled residential streets) The views are incredible if you like
looking at the bay, Sausalito, the Golden Gate Bridge, and The City, for starters. Everyone can
run at their own pace and will usually have company. You should probably use flashlight or
headlamp, as the bike path can get quite dark. There are also additional routes around the
Strawberry Peninsula, and up along Tiburon Ridge.

Typically in the spring and summer after the time change again, the run starts in Ross next to the
tennis courts of the Lagunitas Country Club, on Lagunitas rd. The course heads into the Marin
watershed toward Phoenix Lake and the trails that are accessible from there. The group decides
where the route will go before the run, or after the run starts, whatever. There are *many*
beautiful and interesting trail options. The route that is decided will generally be 5 to 8 miles in
length with the option of going shorter or longer. In either case you will usually have company.
You won’t need a flashlight, but you might want to wear a pair of trail shoes, for this run is all
dirt, and generally hilly.
Directions: To Blackie’s Pasture (Fall, Winter)
Off Hwy 101 in Mill Valley, take Tiburon Blvd/Blithedale Ave offramp and head east. Go about
2 miles and turn right into the parking area for Blackie’s Pasture. It is signed.
Directions: To Ross – Spring and summer
Off Hwy 101 take Sir Francis Drake Blvd west 3 miles to Lagunitas Road (adjacent to the Ross
Police Station). Turn left and follow through two stop signs .8 miles to available street parking.
We meet adjacent to the Lagunitas Country Club tennis courts. If there are no parking spots
available on Lagunitas road, you can usually find parking on Walnut Ave., 200 yards east of the
tennis courts.
Contact: Dave Covey – (415) 388-7616 – ultradavec@yahoo.com

Note: The Thursday night and Saturday morning fun runs are spontaneous and unofficial
events, and the Tamalpa Runners have no official affiliation or sanction with these runs or
their organizers.

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