2010 TCRS #1 Results

Tennessee Valley, Distance 3.78 miles
January 17th, 2010
166 Finishers: 52 women, 114 men,

By Tennessee Valley standards, one could claim that it really wasn't all that bad. Certainly it was wet, and cold, and windy. Our heroic finish-line crew reported noticeable difficulty in using their fingers effectively to record their valuable data. Yet many of the participants have vivid memories, "back in the day," when the conditions were significantly more severe, and not just on one or two occasions. So the legend of the January TCRS Kick-Off continues to grow, having endured its 28th consecutive season opener. Mark McManus and Yiou Wang posted extremely impressive winning times considering the conditions, and anyone whose legs were not considerably muddy afterwards was assumed to not having taken part. The Palkovsky-Plichta Refreshment Wagon brought many smiles to many faces after the run, and if the spirit in the air before, during and after the run is any indication, 2010 looks to be a very good year for Tamalpa Runners. . - Jim Myers

Name Div Time Points
1 Yiou Wang 20 21:30 150
2 Kathy Herzog 40 24:50 149
3 Karen Steele 50 25:18 148
4 Jen Wallen 30 25:27 147
5 Liz Shortino 40 25:35 146
6 Natalie Clark 40 26:08 145
7 Beth Freedman 40 26:27 144
8 Laurie Smith 40 26:32 143
9 Christina Lachman 50 26:56 142
10 Tamara Gonzalez 40 27:34 141
11 Karen Stenberg 40 27:45 140
12 Lisa Trustin 50 27:48 139
13 Julie Nacco 40 27:51 138
14 Amanda Saket 30 27:56 137
15 Amy Sonstein 40 28:45 136
16 Nellie Dragonic 40 29:15 135
17 Isabelle Diaz 20 29:16 134
18 Eileen Brown 30 29:40 133
19 Sammy Creath T 29:50 132
20 Nora Nagy 20 30:06 131
21 Vicki DeMenno 40 30:09 130
22 Florencia Gascon-Amyx 40 30:25 129
23 Diane Prater 40 30:35 128
24 Quinlan Cacic T 31:03 127
25 Nicole Amyx T 31:04 126
26 Jane Wynn Y 31:07 125
27 Danielle Herrerias 50 31:08 124
28 Isabella Amyx Y 31:44 123
29 Anne Bolen 40 32:27 122
30 Marleni Diaz 30 32:37 121
31 Kelly Reitz 20 33:24 120
32 Janet Bowman 60 34:39 119
33 Bonnie Mencher 30 34:45 118
34 Indi Young 40 34:48 117
35 Patti Pickett 50 35:24 116
36 Gayle Burns 60 36:44 115
37 Ann Hardham 60 37:19 114
38 Kim Dostal 40 37:23 113
39 Ruth Williams 40 37:37 112
40 Nancy Kelly 50 38:13 111
41 Odilia Diaz 30 38:34 110
42 Katie Martin 70 38:46 109
43 Ginny Olson 60 40:19 108
44 Eliana Reeves 50 40:42 107
45 Nicole Palkovsky 30 41:52 106
46 Shujie Zhu 30 42:55 105
47 Margie Forman 50 43:04 104
48 JoAnne Kambur 70 43:08 103
49 Becky DeShields 40 43:16 102
50 Christina Tours ? 43:17 101
51 Susan Garnett 70 44:20 100
52 Elizabeth Tighe 60 45:12 99
Name Div Time Points
1 Mark McManus 30 19:29 150
2 Sean Pont 20 20:05 149
3 Michael Broom 30 20:40 148
4 Andrew Lavallee 20 20:53 147
5 Brad O'Brien 40 20:57 146
6 Brian Pilcher 50 21:18 145
7 Rob Hagbom 20 21:27 144
8 Tim Wallen 40 21:34 143
9 Seth Davis 30 21:35 142
10 Tom Lyons 40 21:41 141
11 Dan Shore 40 21:44 140
12 Patrick Lepelch 40 21:54 139
13 Jason Reed 30 22:05 138
14 David Bronstein 40 22:10 137
15 Geoff Dunbar 30 22:17 136
16 Scott Schneider 40 22:38 135
17 Chris Craig 40 22:51 134
18 Eric Stewart 40 22:55 133
19 Tom O'Reilly 50 22:59 132
20 Bob Rogers 50 23:09 131
21 David Leipsic 40 23:20 130
22 John McKlveen 30 23:33 129
23 Geoff Vaughan 40 23:35 128
24 Anonymous ? 24:05 127
25 Bruce Benter 50 24:07 126
26 Hal Johnson 40 24:24 125
27 Ken Grebenstein 50 24:26 124
28 Steve Shapiro 40 24:27 123
29 Gregg Jennings 30 24:28 122
30 Brian McCurdy 50 24:32 121
31 Mitch DeShields 40 24:33 120
32 Don Lindsey 40 24:34 119
33 Kurt Ryan 50 24:39 118
34 Jamie DeUriarte 30 24:41 117
35 Freydi Mazariegos 20 24:42 116
36 Jakub Plichta 30 24:44 115
37 Riley Venne T 24:53 114
38 Tim McCarthy 40 24:54 113
39 Larry Meredith 50 24:59 112
40 Ed Corral 50 25:04 111
41 Alec Isabeau 40 25:13 110
42 Ronald Evans 50 25:30 109
43 Jerry Lyman 60 25:49 108
44 Mike Sullivan 50 26:17 107
45 Joe Ryan T 26:19 106
46 Steve Stephens 60 26:24 105
47 Matt Barger 50 26:25 104
48 Frank Ruona 60 26:28 103
49 Andrew Stokes 40 26:38 102
50 Craig Maretzki 40 26:55 101
51 Hans Schmid 60 26:57 100
52 Art Marthinsen 50 27:07 99
53 Steve Katz 50 27:15 98
54 Jim Myers 60 27:19 97
55 Hans Loedolff 30 27:26 96
56 Jim Schollard 40 27:37 95
57 Stefan Venne Y 27:39 94
58 Jim Crumpler 60 27:40 93
59 Peter O'Reilly 50 27:42 92
60 Alexander Dombrovski T 27:43 91
61 John Wynne 40 27:46 90
62 George Dombrovski 50 27:49 89
63 Greg Nacco 50 27:51 88
64 Tom Tracy 50 27:52 87
65 Kent Carlomagno 50 27:54 86
66 Dimitris Sklavopoulos 60 27:57 85
67 Steve Kambur 50 28:07 84
68 Jim Morris 60 28:13 83
69 George Frazier 60 28:19 82
70 Tomas Pastalka 60 28:22 81
71 Jason Lemberg 30 28:25 80
72 Paul Herrerias 50 28:27 79
73 Dave Covey 40 28:29 78
74 Russ Kiernan 70 28:32 77
75 David McCormack 60 28:59 76
76 Dave Hannaford 50 29:00 75
77 Todd Ritola 40 29:11 74
78 Kent Morales 30 29:13 73
79 Tim Aregger 50 29:27 72
80 Tim Amyx 50 29:29 71
81 Andy Matheson 50 29:54 70
82 Joaquin Fritz 50 30:01 69
83 Alan Cherrigan 50 30:09 68
84 Al Tagliaferri 60 30:17 67
85 Charles Savage 60 30:36 66
86 Horst Meyer 70 30:54 65
87 Hans Lothander 50 30:58 64
88 John Blecka 50 31:16 63
89 Andrew Gilbertson 40 31:21 62
90 Glenn Hoffman 40 31:22 61
91 Jim Bystrek 50 31:29 60
92 Jorge Gonzalez 40 32:16 59
93 Reilly Johnson Y 32:20 58
94 Phil Ramsey 40 32:26 57
95 Bob Sos 50 32:47 56
96 Carl Jacob 50 33:15 55
97 Rodz Zalewski 20 33:28 54
98 Dave Pinto 50 33:43 53
99 Darryl Beardall 70 33:48 52
100 Mark Miller 50 34:22 51
101 Lloyd Kahn 70 34:32 50
102 Bill Neer 50 36:14 49
103 Craig Stern 50 36:22 48
104 Elmo Shropshire 70 36:29 47
105 Max Dostal Y 36:37 46
106 Phil Phythian 70 38:35 45
107 Erland Jensen 60 41:14 44
108 Sasha Plichta Y 41:49 43
109 Jeff Houston 50 42:21 42
110 Ray Wilkes 70 42:25 41
111 Max Herrerias Y 43:15 40
112 Merv Giacomini 70 43:20 39
113 Dennis Hassler 70 43:28 38
114 Jim Kambur 70 44:50 37


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