2007 TCRS #8 Results

Rush Creek (Novato), Distance ~4.65 miles
September 15th, 2007
77 Finishers: 59 men, 18 women

While Saturday TCRS's are not unprecedented, they're a relatively rare occurrence. Those who participated in September's affair in the Bahia/Rush Creek region of Novato were treated to a new and beautiful course, courtesy of Mike Holland. Moriah Buckley and George Dombroski were the individual winners on a sparkling morning that had all the indications that a seasonal change was in the air. Lillie and Tom O'Reilly conducted a very proficient volunteer operation, and Brad Bryon and Amy Sonstein continue to close in on this year's overall point championships. . - Jim Myers

Female place Name AG Time TCRS points
1 Moriah Buckley 20 37:45 150
2 Karen Stenberg 40 38:20 149
3 Christine Lopez 40 39:33 148
4 Amanda Saket 20 39:50 147
5 Amy Sonstein 30 41:14 146
6 Vicki DeMenno 40 42:27 145
7 Karen Corral 40 43:17 144
8 Anita Andre 20 43:30 143
9 Vanessa Frost 30 44:11 142
10 Janet Bowman 60 44:35 141
11 Valerie Logue 20 47:40 140
12 Dianne Estrada 40 51:21 139
13 Anne Bolen 40 52:00 138
14 Lorrie Kalos 40 55:26 137
15 JoAnne Kambur 70 55:43 136
16 Heather Rothe 40 59:11 135
17 Elizabeth Tighe 60 66:49 134
18 Katie Martin 60 67:15 133
Male Place Name AG Time TCRS points
1 George Dombroski 40 30:43 150
2 Terrence Bennett T 31:25 149
3 Wayne Patton 30 31:33 148
4 Bryant Benter T 31:37 147
5 Brad O'Brien 40 31:43 146
6 David Leipsic 40 31:58 145
7 Peter Badertscher 40 32:03 144
8 Brad Bryon 40 32:15 143
9 Don Lindsey 40 32:22 142
10 Andy Valla 30 32:37 141
11 Tim Fitzpatrick 40 34:16 140
12 Malcolm Fearon 40 34:20 139
13 Mike Lopez 40 34:24 138
14 Christian Oakes 40 34:48 137
15 Roy Kissin 50 35:28 136
16 Scott Schneider 40 35:31 135
17 Bruce Benter 40 35:59 134
18 Steve Gray 40 36:11 133
19 Steve Stephens 60 37:03 132
20 Stephen Tracy 40 37:20 131
21 Jim Myers 50 37:25 130
22 Bill Neer 40 37:41 129
23 Steve Shapiro 40 37:51 128
24 Joe Murtagh 20 38:01 127
25 Dave Coulman 40 38:22 126
26 John Mintz 40 38:28 125
27 Russ Kiernan 60 38:35 124
28 Kent Carlomagno 50 38:46 123
29 Brian McCurdy 50 28:46 122
30 Art Marthinsen 40 38:50 121
31 Jorge Gonzalez 40 38:54 120
32 Jim Bystrek 50 38:59 119
33 Chris Stanley 40 39:14 118
34 Ed Carr 40 39:20 117
35 Jim Schollard 40 39:24 116
36 Kent Morales 30 39:27 115
37 Preston Sitterly 50 40:13 114
38 David Masgay 40 40:29 113
39 David McCormack 60 40:55 112
40 Earl Downing 50 40:57 111
41 Phil Ramsey 40 41:28 110
42 Gordon Renneisen 40 42:00 109
43 Jose Valdiviezo 30 42:09 108
44 Mike Lieberman 50 43:27 107
45 Jim Leonhard 60 43:55 106
46 Roger Gordon 70 44:06 105
47 Hans Lothander 50 45:08 104
48 Walt Underhill 50 45:39 103
49 Joaquin Fritz 50 46:41 102
50 Dave Covey 40 46:48 101
51 Bernie Hollander 70 46:51 100
52 Todd Ritola 30 47:30 99
53 Ed Sherman 50 48:08 98
54 Julius Schillinger 60 48:14 97
55 Leon Sivertson 70 55:39 96
56 Jeff Houston 40 56:57 95
57 Erland Jensen 60 57:19 94
58 Jim Kambur 70 67:24 93
59 Dennis Hassler 70 84:40 92


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