2006 TCRS #1 Results

Tennessee Valley, Distance 3.78 miles
January 22, 2006
163 Finishers: 112 men, 51 women
All-time fastest Tennessee Valley times here

A spectacular winter morning, a bunch of young bucks dominating the first two dozen or so, and numerous wonderful volunteers putting together a flawless finish line and results table at the most challenging logistics event of the year. TCRS for 2006 is off and running. Batbileg Bor, one of Tom Lyons' stars from San Francisco State, overtook Bill Bushnell midway on the return from the beach and pulled away for a solid victory. Melissa Leier-Nestel picked up right where she left off at the end of 2005, besting young Allesandra Roger and Angie Morey in a convincing win. New Year's Resolutions always seem to bring out the good attendance numbers at Tennessee Valley. A sad note was the first TCRS since the passing of our good friend, Eric Mohr, who would have been on the hillside with his box camera, gathering material for his Christmas slide show. We miss you, Eric. The date for February is the 26th, and for the first time in 23 years we won't be at St Vincent's in Marinwood. - J. Myers

Female Place Name Age Div Time TCRS Points
1 Melissa Leier-Nestel 30 22:09 150
2 Allesandra Roger T 23:17 149
3 Angie Morey 20 23:32 148
4 Heather Levine-Chesler 20 24:42 147
5 Karen Steele 40 25:07 146
6 Laila Rezai 30 25:32 145
7 Tamara Gonzalez 40 26:26 144
8 Sara Palmbush 30 28:03 143
9 Lisa Trustin 40 28:40 142
10 Tricia Wallace 40 28:44 141
11 Anne Aganon 40 29:06 140
12 Elizabeth Shortino 40 29:12 139
13 Diane Prater 40 29:20 138
14 Christine Lopez 40 29:23 137
15 Christina Lachman 40 29:53 136
16 Liana Mathon 30 29:55 135
17 Susan Micheletti 50 30:23 134
18 Janet Bowman 50 30:27 133
19 Hazel Wood 50 30:28 132
20 Shujie Zhu 30 30:56 131
21 Chris Lyons 40 31:12 130
22 Vicki DeMenno 40 31:19 129
23 Bridie Dillon 60 31:58 128
24 Sunny Blende 50 32:25 127
25 Sara Leipsic 40 32:46 126
26 Kelly Charlton T 33:05 125
27 Marcia Leone 40 34:06 124
28 Ann Hardham 60 34:38 123
29 Anita Andre 20 34:48 122
30 Kristi Evans 40 34:54 121
31 Becky DeShields 40 35:49 120
32 Lorrie Kalos 40 35:59 119
33 Katie Martin 60 36:04 118
34 Nicole Amyx Y 36:07 117
35 Indi Young 40 36:17 116
36 Shirley Dahl 50 36:20 115
37 Isabella Amyx Y 37:42 114
38 Florencia Amyx 40 37:43 113
39 Gina Vucci 30 38:16 112
40 Judi Shaffer 40 38:35 111
41 JoAnne Kambur 70 38:43 110
42 Ann Charlton 40 39:40 109
43 Rosa Murtagh 40 40:28 108
44 Marjorie Forman 50 40:30 107
45 Nicole Palkovsky 30 40:32 106
46 Tonya Carmien 40 41:09 105
47 Kari Bushnell 40 41:15 104
48 Elizabeth Tighe 60 42:48 103
49 Pam DeWeerd 60 44:06 102
50 Belen Buckley Y 54:49 101
51 Silvia Buckley 40 54:49 100
Male Place Name Age Div Time TCRS Points
1 Batbileg Bor 20 20:07 150
2 Bill Bushnell 40 20:32 149
3 Ganbileg Bor T 20:48 148
4 Gus Gibbs 20 20:55 147
5 Jason Jacobson 30 21:13 146
6 Sam Milechman T 21:16 145
7 Greg Nacco 40 21:17 144
8 Luis Cortes T 21:28 143
9 Rob Flatland 40 21:31 142
10 Eric Stewart 30 21:53 141
11 Bryant Benter T 22:04 140
12 Terrence Bennett T 22:05 139
13 Nick LaPlant T 22:14 138
14 Ryan Stever 20 22:20 137
15 Thomas Bliska T 22:21 136
16 Don Lindsey 40 22:40 135
17 Erik Mathon 30 22:45 134
18 Brad Bryon 40 22:49 133
19 Eduardo Vazquez 30 22:50 132
20 David Leipsic 40 22:55 131
21 Dennis Charlton 40 22:59 130
22 Russell Barry T 23:12 129
23 Scott Donnellan 40 23:24 128
24 Christian Oakes 40 23:25 127
25 Steve Shapiro 40 23:27 126
26 Roy Kissin 40 23:50 125
27 Mike Lotter 50 23:55 124
28 Jed Tukman 30 23:56 123
29 Scott Murray 40 23:57 122
30 Tim Fewell 20 24:00 121
31 Mike Lopez 40 24:25 120
32 Peter O'Reilly 40 24:38 119
33 Ronald Evans 40 24:48 118
34 Brian McCurdy 40 25:02 117
35 Bill Neer 40 25:15 116
36 Kurt Ryan 40 25:22 115
37 Charles Yoakum 40 25:24 114
38 Scott Schneider 30 25:25 113
39 Russ Kiernan 60 25:28 112
40 Stephen Tracy 40 25:35 111
41 Preston Sitterly 50 25:38 110
42 Art Marthinsen 40 25:42 109
43 Vincent Giacomini 40 25:46 108
44 Ken Grebenstein 50 25:50 107
45 Robert Alexander 50 25:51 106
46 Dan Lanting 40 25:53 105
47 Dave Pressley 50 26:00 104
48 Greg Hanna 40 26:02 103
49 Steve Katz 50 26:05 102
50 Bruce Benter 40 26:15 101
51 Frank Ruona 60 26:29 100
52 Jim Myers 50 26:32 99
53 Earl Downing 50 26:33 98
54 George Dombrovski 50 26:36 97
55 Kevin O'Donnell 40 26:42 96
56 Dimitris Sklavopoulos 60 26:45 95
57 Jim Garlock 50 26:48 94
58 Tomas Pastalka 50 27:07 93
59 Dave Covey 40 27:10 92
60 Sam Lueck 30 27:36 91
61 Hans Schmid 60 27:39 90
62 Cesar Melgar T 28:02 89
63 Bob Akers 40 28:09 88
64 Steve Stephens 60 28:32 87
65 Jim Bystrek 50 28:34 86
66 Todd Ritola 30 29:02 85
67 Peter Roger 40 29:08 84
68 Mike Holland 50 29:13 83
69 Robert Dick 30 29:24 82
70 Dan Weeks 40 29:37 81
71 Peter Badertscher 40 29:40 80
72 Hans Lothander 50 29:50 79
73 Tim Amyx 40 30:09 78
74 Andy Mathieson 40 30:14 77
75 Peter Heinlein 40 30:32 76
76 Dave Pinto 50 30:42 75
77 Harut Pirinjian 50 30:52 74
78 Thomas Stephens 50 31:02 73
79 Darryl Beardall 60 31:06 72
80 Steve Musser 60 31:28 71
81 Fred Glasser 60 31:30 70
82 Louis Chesler 30 31:41 69
83 Phil Ramsey 30 32:03 68
84 Terry Parks 40 32:04 67
85 John Boro 50 32:05 66
86 Sergio Silva 50 32:10 65
87 Joaquin Fritz 50 32:13 64
88 Robert McPhail 40 32:20 63
89 Merv Giacomini 60 32:24 62
90 Mike Dziedzik 50 32:34 61
91 Keith Buckley 30 32:53 60
92 Joseph Ryan Y 32:59 59
93 Julius Schillinger 50 33:20 58
94 Tim Aregger 50 34:40 57
95 Craig Stern 50 34:44 56
96 Sam Hirabayashi 70 34:45 55
97 Phil Phythian 70 35:38 54
98 Erland Jensen 60 35:42 53
99 Mitch DeShields 40 35:50 52
100 Guy Murtagh 50 36:15 51
101 Jay Wigger 50 36:21 50
102 Mark Miller 50 36:35 49
103 Jay Brignon 60 36:54 48
104 Jeff Houston 40 36:57 47
105 Steven Kalos 40 38:22 46
106 John Blecka 50 38:25 45
107 Dennis Hassler 70 39:49 44
108 Bob Towler 60 39:51 43
109 Brennan Bertram Y 39:53 42
110 Michael Dowdy 60 41:04 41
111 Ben Fritz Y 51:00 40
112 Jim Kambur 70 51:26 39





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