Tamalpa Dipsea Team Resolution

The following resolution details the requirements to qualify for the Tamalpa Dipsea Team. The team is composed of the top five Tamalpa finishers that meet these requirements. Also, you must have indicated your club affiliation on the Dipsea entry. Race day notifications will not be accepted.


The purpose of this resolution is to reaffirm and clarify a prior resolution concerning who is eligible to represent Tamalpa as part of its Dipsea team. This resolution expresses the Club’s desire to insure that the team is composed of active club members with undivided loyalty to Tamalpa.

May 5,1997

Tamalpa’s Dipsea Team entry shall be composed of the top five finishers who meet the following criteria:

  1. They are dues-paying members whose dues are paid and current.
  2. They have not represented (raced for) another club in inter-club competition in the four months prior to the race.
  3. It is not intended to bar from the team anyone whose school prohibits them from competing for another organization provided they meet the requirements of 1 & 2 above.
  4. The determination of whether the runner meets the above criteria shall be determined by the Club President or the designated representative of the President.

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