Poison Oak, Poppies, Pollens and Pandemics

Well, for those or you that thought we’re out of the woods with the pandemic, sorry to inform you, but we’re still hearing about people contracting it and being sidelined for 5 – 10 days. Thank goodness the current strain is not as dangerous or deadly as previous strains and we now have the vaccines and remedies to offset the most severe cases. Nevertheless, it’s still no fun, and always the worst time to get it, and can wreak havoc on your training, family and vacation plans. 

So now, with Spring in full bloom, for those of us with seasonal allergies inflaming our lungs, noses and eyes, we have another danger to avoid encountering….Have you noticed that shiny, bright green leaf protruding from the trails? Be aware of its stealthy attempt at reaching out to catch you on the leg, arms, or face, or worse yet, when nature calls.  Yes, with all the atmospheric rivers we had from December to March, the mighty poison oak plant is out in full vengeance!  Pay attention as you run on the narrow trails not to rub up against this ferocious flora which loves to spread its oil on our bodies via contact or from dogs. If you’ve ever had it as bad as I have, you don’t want to end up in the ER requesting a prednisone shot!  

And now, for the good news. If you’ve managed to avoid poison oak, pollens and the pandemic this Spring, then you must get out there and run the open space trails to truly delight in our magnificent, living Monet landscapes that we find ourselves in this Spring! The poppies, lupins, suncups, Indian paint brushes, larkspur, purple and blue irises, star lilies, and more are a delight for the eyes.

To count more wildflowers than you’ve ever seen before, try running the Yolanda Trail above Phoenix Lake or the ridges in the Marin Headlands, or the 680 trail in the Loma Alta Open Space preserve. Then, post your photos on Tamalpa’s Facebook Page to share with your Tamalpa friends! 

Come see the beautiful wildflowers at this month’s TCRS, Loma Alta, Sunday, May 21st.

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