Tamalpa Board Welcomes New Members

Ask not what your Tamalpa club can do for you – ask yourself, what can you do for Tamalpa. Join a dedicated group of volunteers who love to run, love to organize events, a have nothing better to do on the first Monday night of each month (except this September). Come see what it’s all about at September’s board meeting – 7pm at McInnis Park. Board elections are held in October. We wish to thank past President, Phil Oreste and clothing/merchandise director Judi Shaffer for all their years of service to the club. Our club is very grateful for all your dedication and volunteerism. If you would like to join our board, shoot me an e-mail or contact another board member. Otherwise, I may just be giving you a call to recruit you.


President – David Leipsic    davidleipsic@gmail.com

I am a very long-time Tamalpan, going back to the 1980’s when I ran my first TCRS races when home from college. I’ve grown up with Tamalpa – and like to think of myself as one of the younger “old-timers.” My consecutive Dipsea streak is going strong at 27. I discovered running in high school at Redwood and continued competitively at UCSB, through my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Now, I find myself mid-50’s and my love for running on Marin’s beautiful trails is just as strong, if not even more therapeutic. My favorite trails are Tucker, Yolanda, Northside, Matt Davis and Coastal (Tennessee Valley to Muir Beach). I try to run Ross Commons on Sundays about twice a month and Tuesday night’s trackwork out. My favorite races are Cool Canyon 50K, the Dipsea and Double D, and Roger’s Superbowl Race. When not running, I’m coaching and teaching special education at Miller Creek Middle School. I live in San Rafael with my wife, and soon to graduate son.

Vice President – Phil Oreste poreste@yahoo.com

Born in Michigan but raised in Colorado. Went to USF in the City and decided to stay. CFO for tech companies until 2012 when I quit to start Urban Coyote Racing. Only started running in 2001 as a way to lose the “dot-com bubble” I had developed over many long days and hours of work eating too much unhealthy food.   The home mountain (Mt. Tam) is always a favorite place to run. Running in New Zealand this past winter was awesome and I have been on some hunting trails in Hawaii that were pretty wild! I have no particular favorite race (other than the races we put on at Urban Coyote Racing, of course!) and I think I have done the Dipsea race 12 years in a row now.

Treasurer – Tim McCarthy tmccarthy9@hotmail.com

Treasurer exceptional, aka “Count D’money” Tim keeps our books solid and Excel spreadsheets a thing of beauty. Unassuming, Tim does a great job with our books are we are really fortunate to have him on our board.

Secretary – Paul Herrerias 


Paul Herrerias is currently the Tamalpa Board Secretary and is serving in his second year on the board.  He is elated to be still running, as it has been his first hobby since he was a young tyke.  He runs more for pleasure, staying in shape, and exploring, though has been known to get competitive…especially in TCRS races!  Once, in college and in an effort lost those “Freshmen Fifteen,” he recruited a small group of fellow student runners to train together, which was the genesis for USF’s current Cross Country and Track Teams.  One of his first dates with Danielle Herrerias was a run with Fleet Feet on Chestnut Street in SF…they have been running together for 32 years. 

His hardest races ever were the Dipsea in 1977 (never having seen the course before race day) and the 2018 Boston Marathon with its rain, sleet, wind, and cold. He loves sprinting 100 meters (current Tamalpa record holder in his age group), reminiscing 800 meter races of past, and currently enjoys a good half marathon (this year’s Kauai Half Marathon was a kick!).  His passion is running trails for hours, and his goal is to follow in the footsteps of Tamalpans still competing in their Eighties!

I love Tamalpa!

Board Members

Carolyn Garriott  garriottgirls@gmail.com

Born in Marin I am a fourth generation native. My grandfather had three dairy ranches throughout Marin with my father and uncle working long days in the family business.  One of the ranches was in Tennessee Valley at the site of the first TCRS race of each season.  The house that still stands there today was built by my family.  It is wonderful for me to be there for the race and imagine what it must have been like with a fully operational dairy ranch, my dad on horseback, and 500 head of cows roaming about!  I’ve been running for about 25 years with the last two years focusing on substantial vertical and high mileage training and competing in ultra distance trail races.  2018 was an amazing year for me personally and on the trails.  The most meaningful experiences for me have been getting to know the ultra running community and meeting the many runners that are Tamalpa.  I joined the board because I wanted to give back and encourage as many people as I can at the races.  I have raced the Dipsea, Double Dipsea and the Quad Dipsea as well as Brazen Races Ultra Half Series finishing out the year in the top ten for women. There was Way Too Cool 50k and The Great Trail Race in Tahoe plus all the TCRS races.   In 2019 I want to take ultra running to the next level.  I’ll be competing in my first Sky Race in Montana and I have my eye on one in Italy.  I hope to get in many long trail runs with the ultra runners of Tamalpa and continue to meet and get to know the many runners who make Tamalpa a great club.

Danielle Herrerias danielle@herrerias.co

Born in Montreal, Canada but Danielle now considers Novato her home. When not training for something, she is Director Human Resources at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. Her running life started recreationally in high school and got more serious when a friend challenged her to run the Portland marathon at age 32. She has run multiple marathons (including 2 Bostons) and many halfs.  Her Dipsea record consists of one double-Dipsea and just volunteering for the single Dipsea. My favorite place to run is on the beach in Kauai! and most exotice run was in Gardner, Montana (just north of Yellowstone) and my Favorite race is the Napa Valley Marathon (2004) when I set my PR (3:32)

Tim Wallen timjwallen@gmail.com

As a lifelong runner, Tim started racing in Junior High when he joined his school’s cross country team. He grew up and trained on the dirt roads and trails in the mountains behind his home in Ukiah. Inspired by his PE  teacher in junior high, he started running in every class.  He always thought that was the coolest job ever and now that’s what he does at Mary E. Silveria Elementary School.  He also provides private and online coaching for Pinnacle Running. After 25 years doing radio promotion for record labels it is a big but welcome change.  He gets to spend much more time with his family and now has more time to run (and offer his time to Tamalpa) too!  His family loves living in Marinwood and doesn’t miss San Francisco at all.  He loves his Tamalpa team mates and our Marin running community and all the great spots we have to train on here in Marin. In addition, he can be found on Thursday’s at McInnis Park, playing in our weekly Tamalpa golf tournaments.

Lillie O’Reilly membership@tamalparunners.org  judi.shaffer@gmail.com

Ken Taylor  Kentaylor5k@yahoo.com

Judy Shaffer  judi.shaffer@gmail.com

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