Looking for Adventure!Join Tamalpa at our Western States Aide StationRucky Chucky!Weekend of June 29th / 30th

Tamalpa Runners, friends, and families, have an incredible opportunity to assist Bruce Linscott and your club longtime faithful at the Tamalpa Sponsored ‘Rucky Chucky Aid Station’, for the 2024 Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run, on the weekend of June 29th and 30th.  This is a weekend volunteer stint. For further information, contact Bruce directly at: bruce@linscottinc.com to take part in this incredible opportunity. Let’s show Western States what
Tamalpa can do for all those amazing ultra-runner athletes. This is an amazing, inspirational opportunity to join a team of dedicated runners on an all-night adventure supporting the Western States Endurance Run! Contact Bruce at bruce@linscottinc.com


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