Pacific Association USATF (PAUSATF) Grand Prix

Road and MUT racing schedules are out for 2025 on the PAUSATF site. It’s great when we can get enough runners out there in the various age-groups to score as teams.  But you need to have a current USATF membership card to earn points. No card, no score; though we’ll still be glad to see you. All of these races are in Northern California, and some are inexpensive, at least compared to major marathon prices.  If you have recently turned 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 years old, you’re at the top of your age-group and can score maximum points for a few years. And occasionally earn some pocket change, though the competition is tough. You’ll also need a Tamalpa singlet of recent vintage. PA Information is on the PA web site with information, dates, and entry links are here:

Specifically, the Road Grand Prix Schedule:

MUT (Mountain Ultra Trails) Grand Prix:

Join/Renew with USATF as a Tamalpa membern:

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