Celebrating the Life and Times of Donald Stewart Pickett ~ aka Mr. Dipsea. Head over the trail on foot or over the highway on wheels to meet at Stinson Beach for a warm gathering of family & friends at 12 noon on the Dipsea picnic grounds, Saturday, May 18th.
Many of us plan to run / hike the Dipsea in Don’s spirit and share stories and accolades of Mr. Dipsea along the way. For those running or hiking, we will meet at Old Mill Park on Saturday morning, May 18th at 9am. A shuttle car will be available, leaving at 9:30 if you want to drop off a bag of clothing.
- Hike, bike or drive – the celebration will start at 12 Noon at Stinson Beach.
- Location: Last picnic area down at the south end of the Stinson Beach State Park.
- For drivers: Parking, there should be overflow parking just beyond the picnic site if the regular parking places are already filled – to insure a parking place please arrive no later than about 9:30AM and consider taking a hike, strolling around or just sitting and visiting…coffee and munchies will be available for early arrivals.
- Please reach out to Patti with any questions: levoyagefrance@gmail.com or davidleipsic@gmail.com