Tamalpa Runners presents the 40th Annual Couples Relay through the Cal Park Tunnel connecting San Rafael and Larkspur. Beginning above the Century Theater in Larkspur, the female or first partner runs a two-mile out and back, and then tags their partner, who runs the same course. There are awards in each the division in Open, Married, Father/Daughter/Granddaughter, Mother/Son/Grandson, based on the combined age.
New this year: High School (pairs from same school and from different schools) and Middle School. The course is a flat and fast and scenic, along the bike path, next to the SMART train tracks.
Date: Sunday, Feb. 9th
Time: 9:00 am sharp (registration begins at 8am at the Larkspur Country Mart)
Distance: 2 miles each runner, 4 miles per couple.
Price: Adults: $15, Kids $10.
Directions: Marin Country Mart 2257 Larkspur Landing Cir, Larkspur, CA 94939. Hwy 101, East on Sir Francis Drake Blvd. to Larkspur Landing Circle. Next to 24 Hour Fitness.
You may download the entry form from Entry Form.