2019 Phil Widener Empire Open – 8/24/2019

Tamalpa sent 7 women and 14 Men to the 2019 Phil Widener Empire Open

on to compete in the second Cross Country Race on the PAUSATF XC Grand

Prix on Saturday, 8/24/2019.  Mary Vidovich was our first Senior Woman

Finisher with a time of 27:02,Mary Wells was our first Super-Senior

Woman finisher in 27:29 and Bridie Dillon was our first Veteran Woman

finisher with a time of 36:18..  Tamalpa will be able to score both a Women’s

Senior and Super-Senior Team.  The first Tamalpa Male Masters finisher was

46-year-old Markelle Taylor with a time of 20:11; Reese Laughlin was our first

Male Senior finisher with a time of 23:02; Brad Bryan was our first Male Super

Senior finisher in 23:28; Jim Myers was our first Male Veteran finisher with a

time of 27:54; and Elmo Shropshire was our first Super Veteran finisher, and

the first Super Veteran finisher in the race, with a time of 37:09.  We will be able

to score four Men’s Teams in the race, a Masters, Senior, Super Senior and

Veteran’s Team and it appears as if we will take first place with the Men’s

Super-Senior and Veteran’s Team.  The next Race on the PAUSATF XC Grand

Prix will be next Saturday, 8/31/19, with the 1st Annual GVH Lagoon Valley

XC Challenge in Vacaville.  Hopefully we will have a strong Tamalpa turnout

for this race.  Masters Men, be aware that the Masters Men’s Race will be the

first Race of day and it starts at a VERY early 0800!  Get there early if you plan

on racing!

2019 Phil Widener Empire Open 8/24/2019

Women's Race - 3.4 Miles            

1 Holly Clarke 27 Impalas 19:55
14 Alyson Barrett 40 WVTC 22:03
16 Nancy Thomas 50 Impalas 22:08
24 Liz Gottlieb 44 Impalas 22:34
40 Joannie Siegler 62 GVH 24:48
46 Eileen Brennan-Erler 58 Impalas 25:37
52 Mary Vidovich 55 Tamalpa 27:02
57 Mary Wells 64 Tamalpa 27:29
70 Jo Anne Rowland 71 Impalas 29:42
71 Susan Kreusch 56 Tamalpa 29:45
79 Adele Ho 61 Tamalpa 33:16
82 Hazel Wood 68 Tamalpa 36:10
83 Bridie Dillon 74 Tamalpa 36:18
86 Carol Mikkelsen 80 Hoka Aggies 49:54
87 Mary Aycock 65 Tamalpa 50:20

 Men's 40+ Masters Race - 3.4 Miles          

1 Peter Gilmore 42 WVTC 18:06
11 Jorn T Jensen 50 WVJS 19:55
15 Markelle Taylor 46 TAMALPA 20:11
30 Clay Bullwinkel 62 WVTC 22:23
36 Reese Laughlin 57 TAMALPA 23:02
39 Bradford Bryon 61 TAMALPA 23:28
40 Roberto Donaire 65 TAMALPA 23:59
47 Scott Schneider 52 TAMALPA 24:53
48 Lon Wiley 71 Empire 25:11
52 Joe Schieffer 68 TAMALPA 25:43
59 John Hirschberger 67 TAMALPA 27:31
60 Jim Myers 70 TAMALPA 27:54
61 James Morris 70 TAMALPA 28:31
66 Jim Flanigan 70 TAMALPA 29:58
73 Elmo Shropshire 82 TAMALPA 37:09
75 John Herbert 71 TAMALPA 37:49
78 Julius Schillinger 72 TAMALPA 43:09
79 Donald Hillebrandt 81 TAMALPA 44:23

Men's Open Race - 3.4 Miles         

1 Justin Carrancho 24 Hoka Aggies 17:32

Franklin Ruona

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