Reminder!! The TAMALPA RUNNERS TUESDAY EVENING TRACK WORKOUT will be on Friday, June 14, 2019, not Tuesday this week!

Due to this week being Graduation Week for San Rafael High School, the track will not be available for our use for any day next week other than Friday. Therefore, the Tamalpa Runners Track Workout at San Rafael High School will be held next Friday, June 14, 2019 at the San Rafael High School Track. We will be doing a 30-1/2 Minute Fartlek Workout as detailed below:


6:10 PM 1.7 MILE Warm up on streets around San Rafael High School or 1 to 2 miles on the San Rafael High School Track.

6:30 PM 4 Each 100 Meter Strides on straight away with a 100 Meter jog on curves
between Strides.

All-Groups The 30-1/2 Minute Fartlek-We will run for 30-1/2 minutes alternating 2-1/2 minutes ‘on’ at your 5K pace followed by 1 minute ‘off’ at 2 minutes per mile slower than your 5K pace.

If your 5K pace is 6 minutes per mile you will run your ‘on’ laps at 1:30 per lap and your ‘off’ laps at 2:00 per lap. If your 5K pace is 7 minutes per mile you will run your ‘on’ laps at 1:45 per lap and your ‘off’ laps at 2:15 per lap. If your 5K pace is 8 minutes per mile you will run your ‘on’ laps at 2:00 per lap and your ‘off’ laps at 2:30 per lap. If your 5K pace is 9 minutes per mile you will run your ‘on’ laps at 2:15 per lap and your ‘off’ laps at 2:45 per lap. If your 5K pace is 10 minutes per mile you will run your ‘on’ laps at 2:30 per lap and your ‘off’ laps at 3:00 per lap.

We will run a total of nine 2-1/2-minute Intervals ‘on’ and eight 1-minute Intervals ‘off’’.

Followed by Cool Down Jog!!

I hope to see you at the track on next FRIDAY!

Franklin Ruona

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