On Sunday, 5/6/18, the Devil Mountain Mile of Truth was run in Danville as the sixth race on the 2018 PAUSATF Road Racing Grand Prix.  Seven Tamalpa Men and four Tamalpa Women ran the race.  Keith Duncan was the first Tamalpa Male Finisher in 5:45 and Beth Freeman was the first Tamalpa Female finisher in 6:06.  Len Goldman was the first M70+ finisher, Elmo Shropshire was the first M80+ finisher and Eve Pell was the first F80+ finisher.  It appears as if we will be able to score two Men’s Teams and one Women’s Team for this race. The next PAUSATF Road Race will be the Across the Bay 12k on Sunday, June 10, 2018.  Hopefully we will have a strong Tamalpa turnout for that race.  Good job to the Tamalpa Runners who ran the Mile of Truth.

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