2004 TCRS #8 Results

Mill Valley/Oakwood, 5-ish miles
September 12, 2004
82 Finishers: 61 Men, 21 Women

Probably the most impressive story I heard was Race Director Steve Shapiro, having a pretty good race himself, selflessly stopping and waiting at the Alta turnoff onto Oakwood Valley Trail for the course monitor to arrive, and giving up at least a few finish places in the process. Just a hint of autumn in the air, and a solid feel of TCRS throughout. Course monitors included Mark Miller, Bill Bushnell, Mike Holland, Mike Lotter, Tim Amyx and daughters Nicole and Isabella; Doug Brown and Bob Bertram at the results table; Heidi Meyer, Jen Erickson, and at least a few others at the finish line. Eric Mohr and Dave Waco had their cameras, as did Tim Amyx. - Jim Myers

Female Place Name Time Pace Division Division Place Points Overall Place
1 Florencia Gascon-Amyx 41:11 8:14 30's 1 150 34
2 Tamara Gonzalez 41:20 8:16 40's 1 149 35
3 Amy Sonstein 42:20 8:28 30's 2 148 39
4 Gayle Shimokaji 43:01 8:36 40's 2 147 41
5 Nancy Clary 43:12 8:38 40's 3 146 43
6 Carmen Rivers 43:28 8:42 40's 4 145 44
7 Ann Charlton 43:29 8:42 40's 5 144 45
8 Vicki DeMenno 44:18 8:52 40's 6 143 51
9 Hazel Wood 44:32 8:54 50's 1 142 53
10 Janet Bowman 46:12 9:14 50's 2 141 56
11 Edda Stickle 46:22 9:16 60's 1 140 57
12 Terryl Holzinger 47:52 9:34 40's 7 139 62
13 Heidi McGuire 48:50 9:46 40's 8 138 64
14 Cindy Goh 49:27 9:53 40's 9 137 65
15 Nicole Palkovsky 49:32 9:54 30's 3 136 66
16 Ann Hardham 53:09 10:38 60's 2 135 70
17 Gayle Burns 53:59 10:48 50's 3 134 71
18 Lorrie Kalos 56:09 11:14 40's 10 133 75
19 Shirley Dahl 56:10 11:14 50's 4 132 76
20 Pam DeWeerd 64:01 12:48 60's 3 131 81
21 Elizabeth Tighe 65:10 13:02 60's 4 130 82
Male Place Name Time Pace Division Division Place Points Overall Place
1 Roy Rivers 31:45 6:21 40's 1 150 1
2 Chris Craig 32:38 6:32 30's 1 149 2
3 Brad O'Brien 33:22 6:40 40's 2 148 3
4 Dennis Charlton 33:34 6:43 40's 3 147 4
5 Reese Laughlin 33:43 6:45 40's 4 146 5
6 David Leipsic 34:45 6:57 30's 2 145 6
7 Scott Murray 34:51 6:58 40's 5 144 7
8 Roy Kissin 35:11 7:02 40's 6 143 8
9 Arthur Beckert 35:16 7:03 50's 1 142 9
10 Paul Berensmeier 35:23 7:05 40's 7 141 10
11 Steve Shapiro 35:38 7:08 40's 8 140 11
12 Scott Schneider 36:09 7:14 30's 3 139 12
13 Brandon Sos 36:14 7:15 Teens 1 138 13
14 Kent Carlomagno 36:21 7:16 40's 9 137 14
15 Bill Neer 36:57 7:23 40's 10 136 15
16 Steve Stephens 37:02 7:24 60's 1 135 16
17 Russ Kiernan 37:20 7:28 60's 2 134 17
18 George Frazier 37:56 7:35 50's 2 133 18
19 Brian McCurdy 38:08 7:38 40's 11 132 19
20 Brad Rippe 38:24 7:41 40's 12 131 20
21 Jakub Plichta 38:39 7:44 30's 4 130 21
22 Jorge Gonzalez 38:55 7:47 30's 5 129 22
23 Jim Myers 38:59 7:48 50's 3 128 23
24 Peter Heinlein 39:20 7:52 40's 13 127 24
25 Bruce Linscott 39:30 7:54 40's 14 126 25
26 Jim Bystrek 39:42 7:56 50's 4 125 26
27 Jack Burns 39:52 7:58 60's 3 124 27
28 Bob Akka 39:59 8:00 40's 15 123 28
29 Thomas Stephens 40:29 8:06 40's 16 122 29
30 Dimitris Sklavopoulos 40:34 8:07 50's 5 121 30
31 Tim Aregger 40:38 8:08 40's 17 120 31
32 Preston Sitterly 40:47 8:09 50's 6 119 32
33 Dave Covey 40:56 8:11 40's 18 118 33
34 Horst Meyer 41:50 8:22 60's 4 117 36
35 Bernie Hollander 41:58 8:24 60's 5 116 37
36 Kevin Foley 42:07 8:25 40's 19 115 38
37 Gary Wang 42:30 8:30 30's 6 114 40
38 Mike Lieberman 43:10 8:38 50's 7 113 42
39 Kevin Porter 43:29 8:42 50's 8 112 46
40 Erick Heckscher 43:41 8:44 30's 7 111 47
41 Guy Murtagh 43:56 8:47 50's 9 110 48
42 Dave Pinto 43:59 8:48 50's 10 109 49
43 John Boro 44:08 8:50 50's 11 108 50
44 Harut Pirinjian 44:24 8:53 50's 12 107 52
45 Peter Roger 44:48 8:58 40's 20 106 54
46 Terry Parks 45:51 9:10 40's 21 105 55
47 Carl Jacob 46:42 9:20 50's 13 104 58
48 Craig Stern 47:09 9:26 50's 14 103 59
49 Bob Sos 47:23 9:29 50's 15 102 60
50 John Blecka 47:37 9:31 50's 16 101 61
51 Bob Akers 48:16 9:39 40's 22 100 63
52 Julius Schillinger 49:34 9:55 50's 17 99 67
53 Sam Hirabayashi 52:06 10:25 70's 1 98 68
54 Phil Phythian 52:56 10:35 70's 2 97 69
55 Bill Katz 54:03 10:49 60's 6 96 72
56 Dick Couvillion 55:37 11:07 70's 3 95 73
57 Steven Kalos 56:07 11:13 40's 23 94 74
58 Erland Jensen 57:10 11:26 60's 7 93 77
59 Brennan Bertram 60:30 12:06 Youth (<13) 1 92 78
60 Dennis Hassler 61:10 12:14 70's 4 91 79
61 Gee Heckscher 61:20 12:16 60's 8 90 80

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